Client Comments
“This is the best write up anyone has ever done on me. Thank you so much!” - Blythe Zemel of Girl With Grit regarding my article in the Hill Country Weekly.
“Connie, your October issue looks great and so does our story. Thank you so much.” - Shirley Wills for her client regarding my article in Boerne Lifestyle.
“It looks great! Wonderfully written.” - Barret Adams for Grindhouse regarding my article in Boerne Lifestyle.
“I love it Connie! Very fun. I am certain this is going on the website.” - Stacey Gros of Arrow Minded Outdoors Archery Club regarding the bio I wrote for her.
“Connie, spectacular job! Thank you for your time on this and I hope it grabs their attention like it did mine. It beautifully captured all that OTR is!” - Kate Vasquez of Open T.R.A.I.L. Ranch regarding the text I created for a grant application.
“ Not only do I feel heard when you ask and take in the information we provide, but I can see what time you spend behind these written words. I enjoy what I am reading and so thankful for you! In my opinion, this is great!” - LJ Jimenez of Open T.R.A.I.L. Ranch regarding the text I created for a grant application.